This page provides some information to the Vendor about how to prepare for the CEC Assessment.
It lists some evidences typically requested during the CEC Assessment.
Note that the CEC Assessor is not limited to request only the evidences listed below, and that it is within the CEC Assessor's sole discretion to decide which evidences need to be provided to give the CEC Assessor sufficient confidence.
Also see X0200 - Overview of the CEC Certification Process for an overview of the CEC Certification Process.
CEC Assessment
A typical CEC Assessment follows this schedule and requires at least these evidences:
When? | What? |
Prior to the audit | Vendor provides the completed cecAP |
| CEC Assessor schedules the CEC Assessment |
Start of CEC Assessment | 00:15 h administrative items: - Verification of audit scope, production sites, products
Start of CEC Assessment + 00:15 h | cecAP worksheet AP Program: - RE020 - Change Management
- Change Control Procedure
- Change Notification Procedure
- Evidences that these procedures are applied to changes of product, process, and material supply
- RE030 - Material Supply
- Procedure for Material Planning Process
- Evidence that the need for the Materials required to produce the CEC certified products in the planned quantities is periodically determined, communicated to material and component suppliers, and sufficient availability confirmed by material and component suppliers
- RE040 - Maintain required approvals
- Product Qualification Procedure
- Summary report indicating full compliance of the product with the applicable CQM requirements
- Measurement records supporting the above summary report
- CSI letter
- If the product was found not fully compliant with the CQM requirements, evidence that CSI was informed of such non-conformity prior to issuing the CSI letter.
- RF020 to RF050
- If you used the CEC LCA support service, the only evidence needed is the completed cecLQRF
- If you did not use the CEC LCA support service, but calculated the indicators yourself or using external support, access to the full documentation of the calculations and systems used is required.
Start of CEC Assessment + 01:45 h | cecAP worksheet AP Metrics: Note: The below list applies in case you have used the CEC LCA support service. If you did not use the CEC LCA support service, but calculated the indicators yourself or using external support, full access to the system used to conduct the calculations is required. - RF110 - Total Energy Consumption
- List of electricity bills covering the 12 month period reported in the cecLQRF
- Individual electricity bills
- Evidence for the transport of materials and components as reported in the cecLQRF, at least a list of deliveries and how they were transported from the manufacturer of the material to the site. For antenna inlays ensure that the transport of the material from the plastic film manufacturer to the inlay manufacturer is also included.
- RF120 - Non-renewable Energy Consumption
- Renewable Energy Certificates, if any were purchased
- Confirmation from the electricity provider about renewable content of the electricity provided, if any renewable electricity was purchased
- Records of renewable electricity generated on site
- Note that the LCA calculation system we use to calculate the cumulative energy demand values includes assumptions for the standard electricity gridmix for countries and some regions within countries. If this is the only renewable content claimed, you do not need to provide any evidences beyond the cecLQRF.
- RF130 - Total Material Consumption
- Measurement records supporting the data you provided in the cecLQRF (dimension, mass)
- Yield records
- RF140 to RF160 - Non-renewable, non-recycled, not-from-reclaimed-waste Material Consumption
- Unless the material is CEC certified:
- Documented information from the material supplier regarding renewable, recycled, recovered waste content of the material
- 3rd party confirmation of renewable, recycled, recovered waste content of the material, if available
- RF210 - Halogen Content of the Finished Product
- Unless the default values provided in the cecLQRF were used, measurement records
- RF305 - Production Waste into landfill or incineration
- If you claim that your production waste is recycled, then you need to provide the following:
- Records showing the amount of production waste shipped to the recycling provider, summary and individual delivery notes
- Confirmation from the recycling provider of the amounts received
- Confirmation from the recycling provider of the amounts actually recycled
- Evidences that the recycling provider actually recycles the materials received, such as photos or videos, about the recycling process and the resulting products demonstrating that the production waste supplied from the Vendor is actually processed by the recycling provider and into what.
- RF310 - Total Production Waste
- Records showing the total amount of production waste for the time period reported in the cecLQRF
- RF320 - Product Mass
- Weight Measurement record
- RF400 - CO2e Footprint
- If you used the CEC LCA Support Service then the cecLQRF suffices as evidence, otherwise full access to the system that has determined the CO2e Footprint reported in the cecAP is required during the assessment.
Start of CEC Assessment + 03:30 h | Recap of findings and required additional evidences |
Start of CEC Assessment + 04:00 h | Closure of CEC Assessment |
After the CEC Assessment | Vendor provides additional evidences. Vendor provides corrective action plan. |
After completion of the corrective actions at the Program Level | Vendor provides an updated corrective action plan showing any actions related to findings at the Program Level as completed, plus supporting evidences CEC issues CEC Certificate |
Prior to the next CEC Assessment | Vendor completes corrective actions at the Environmental Management Level |